Tuesday 23 September 2014

First seal pup of the year

On my sail around this morning we stopped at the Longstone to see the seals, when I noticed the first seal pup of the year lying on the rocks.

Firstly I was gob smacked it was so quick and secondly where it was, as I've never seen a seal pup on that area before.

It was near the end of the Longstone and it was just above the tide line. It seemed to be enjoying the September sun but its mother was not in sight.

On my second trip out the tide was coming in fast and it had covered the area where it was but as I looked a bit more I noticed it was a bit further up but this time it did not look so happy as the seas were a bit close to it and it was soaking wet.

I do hope we don't get any bad sea's to knock it off and I do hope its mother is not to far away.

My fingers are crossed and I will see what tomorrow brings.

Here are some pictures and come on fella you can make it.

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