Friday 19 November 2010


A combination of weather, high seas and tides means that no trips will get out this weekend. Shame as the lads on The Farnes have been recording good numbers of Little Auk this week with 352 passing on Wednesday. There are sure to be some stragglers, often found in Staple Sound between islands, hopefully some will linger till when we get our next tours out.
In the meantime please follow the link to the website if you would like to contact us to book one of our Winter Birdwatching Trips.

1 comment:

Farnes said...

Hi Andy,

There are still plenty of Little Auks lingering and an adult Black Guillemot (winter plumage) has been lingering around Gun Rock. If you do get out, watch out for Red-necked Grebes near Brownsman and in the Kettle alongside a reasonable number of Great Northern Divers. There is plenty to see out here. Oh and did I mention the 1,200 Seal pups now?!